

ʱ�䣺2024-02-09 06:54:11 ����ף���� ��ҪͶ��
  • ����Ƽ�




����1��Bless you: National, Jiaqing, people throughout the official sources, financial resources, both ways, popularity, humble, the geopolitical fate, reluctant, wish to cardiac wish ף���������졢���졢����ͬ�죬��Դ����Դ�����ҷ�Դ����Ե����Ե��ԵԵ���ϣ���Ը����Ը��ԸԸ���ġ�

����2��Early years with the sea, to make a 10000 block; Later me network, the extent to more than 10 million; This years National Gambling, in a more than five million! One! ��������º���׬���������;�����������磬Ū��ʮ������;���������ʣ��и���ٶ���!����ͬ��!

����3��Great blessing more powerful and prosperous motherland, the people of the motherland blessings every day upward�� Bless you, I become more expansive pocket, bless our health beautiful wife ף��ΰ����������ǿʢ��ף������������������ϡ�ף�����ҿڴ��ռ����ͣ�ף�����ǵİ��˽���Ư����

����4��When you see I will give you the blessing of this, you should first hard wall, see not, you immediate countless stars is unlimited I wish a happy National Day! ���㿴���Ҹ�������ף�����뽫ͷ����ײǽ������û�У�����ǰ�����������������޵�ף�����������!

����5��Throughout the carpet of flowers forms the sky music critics�� In this beautiful day, let me with the most sincere blessings with you through ���ݴ�ط����ƽ���������������糱�������������������������ֿ��ף�������ɹ���

����6��I wish Fossett will be busy in the letter, the National Day when you send and distant�� I wish you a happy National Day, wishing, and prosperity! �ҽ�������ף����������ڹ����֮�ʣ�����Զ��������ף������ڿ��֣������³ɣ���ҵ��������!

����7��water in a stream, fish in travel, love you no reason; Blowing in the Wind, rain the next, you want to have some affinity; Days affection, and love, the National Romantic Will it work? ˮ�����������Σ����㲻��Ҫ����;���ڴ��������£����뱧����һ��;�����飬�����飬��������һ���в���?

����8��Autumn is the season of harvest, the fall is tempting moment�� If you would like to be the autumn harvest the fruits and laughter to you forever if blooming flowers �������ջ�ļ��ڣ����������˵�ʱ�̡�Ը���ջ���Զ������˶����Ը�㻶Ц��Զ��ʢ�����ʻ���

����9��National Day, we Qi joy, a total of 56 national jubilation, I wish our motherland is thriving! �����,����뻶��,��ʮ�������干����,ף���ǵ������������!

����10��Li-Yan Wang Jiangshan, Huan Chung-chun motherland years�� Bless you, happy National Day!������ɽǧ���㣬����������괺��ף���㣬����ڿ���!

����11��Friends, the people across the country to celebrate the birthday of the motherland, where you expect to spend this rare holiday? I walk out together with it, to see so many Concubine Jiangshan, Zheyaoshan countless heroes do ���ѣ���ȫ���������������֮�ʣ����뵽����ȥ�ȹ����ѵü�����?����һ���ȥ���߰ɣ�"����ɽ��˶ཿ��������Ӣ�۾�������"

����12��Just off the beautiful Chang E��ushered in the birthday of the motherland�� I take this opportunity goes to you my heartfelt blessing��I wish you all the best and every success! ! !�ո��������������϶���ӭ��������Ļ�������˻����ҳ��϶������ĵ�ף����ף��һ��˳������������

����13��Wish you a happy National Day��Ը�㣬�ŷ����룬������֣�

����14��Happy National Day��better and better��ף����ڿ��֣�Խ��Խ�ã�

����15��I wish you happiness��health and happy National Day��ף���Ҹ�������������֣�

����16��Wish: happy National Day and everything you want��ף������ڿ��֣������³ɣ�

����17��The National Day is coming. I wish you a happy holiday�������ѵ���ף�����ϣ�Ը���Ŀ��ֹ����٣�

����18��On the national day��the wind is clear and the moon is bright. Take your hand and bathe in the moonlight. Talk softly and slowly.����֮����������Я��֮�֣������¹⣬����ϸ�����������

����19��National Day��I wish you happiness and happiness��happiness and beauty������ѽڣ�ף���Ҹ��ֿ��ģ����������ã�

����20��Sincere wishes for a happy National Day����ϵ�ף����ף������֣�

����21��National Day is coming��let's wish Guoyuan��Jiayuan��Jiaxing and Guoxing����������٣������ǹ�ףԸ��Բ��Բ���Һ͹��ˣ�

����22��The auspicious moment came again��and the National Day was happy.������ʱ�ֵdz�������ѽ�ϲ���� Сѧ�������Ӣ��ף����3

����23��Ը�Ҹ��Ϳ�����Զ����㣬Ը��ú����ܹ��쳤�٣�May happiness and happiness be with you forever. May you enjoy the National Day holiday!

����24��ףԸ���ǵ�������ٲ�ʢ�����е��˽���ƽ���� May our motherland be prosperous and healthy for all.

����25���������⵽����ҵ�����ߣ�ף��������������Ը��һ�����������ɡ�Auspicious luck, BBK, blessing, luck rise, I wish you a happy and relaxed life.

����26������ڣ�ף��������������飬�����������ʱ�⡣ National Day, I wish you a beautiful mood, enjoy lazy time.

����27��ף�㿪�����ijԣ����ֺǺ��棬�ȹ�һ���Ҹ������ֵļ��ڣ�������֣�I wish you a happy and joyful holiday. Happy National Day!

����28�������õ����ӣ�����������ֿ��ף������ȹ���������֣� This beautiful day, let me use the most sincere blessing to accompany you! Happy National Day!

����29������ף�㣬�Ҹ�˫˫�������ֵ���Զ������ڿ��֣�Sincerely wish you happiness and happiness forever! Happy National Day!

����30��ףԸ�����쿪�Ŀ��֣������Ҹ����⣡ I wish you every day happy and happy.

����31��ף�ҵ��������Ӻ��ˣ���ҵ���ˣ�����ˣ�Ǯ�����ˣ��������ˣ�����˳�ˡ�I wish my friend a red day, a successful career, a rich life, a bulging wallet, good health, and good love.

����32������ٹ�����������ϣ���������Ϧ����Զ�Ҹ��� In this day of national celebration, I hope you will be happy and happy forever.

����33��You is my chocolate��i am your chocolate��ah you see more beautiful��you would think her inability. china's national day��and i look forward to meet you�������ҵ��ɿ������������������������㰡�������������뵽��������������ѽڣ�����������ۣ�

����34��National Day National Day��celebrating the country��I wish you in the warm family life happiness��peace��sweet���������ٹ����죬ף��������ů�Ĵ��ͥ��������Ҹ����������������ۣ�

����35��Joyfully celebrate prosperous country��crossing the festival let home beauty��wish you happy every day happy��everything is all the happiness��������ף������ǿ���ɼѽ�Ը�������֣�ףԸ�����쿪�Ŀ��֣������Ҹ����⣡

����36��Look behind you��like mild-manner singer with. The side you��like yu. Look at you��like the west door celebrate��happy National Day�����濴�㣬��̹��졣���濴�㣬���׳��졣���濴�㣬�������죬������֣�

����37��No matter how far away��no matter how many years��let my blessing to the stars��dodges in your life every day��Happy National Day���������Զ�����ܶ����꣬Ը�ҵ�ף����Ϊ���ǵ�㣬������������ÿһ�죡������֣�

����38��No country��which has a home��No home��which have you me. National Day approaching��let us wish of the family round the round��under one roof��û�й������мң�û�мң��������ҡ��������٣������ǹ�ףԸ��Բ��Բ���Һ������ˣ�

����39��National Day is a good holiday��family reunions��may your National Day��all can be in the National Day to harvest happiness to your family.������һ���ܺõĽ��գ��ϼ��žۣ�Ը��Ĺ�����⾫�ʣ�ף��ȫ�Ҷ����ڹ����ջ��Ҹ���

����40��National Day festival together��family and friends gather together��the lover lover together��you and I together he��everyone together for a better tomorrow together��������ۣ����������ۣ�����������ۣ���������ۣ����һ��Ϊ������ö���۰ɣ�

����41��Happy you hot day��a special day��attention body��gently breeze pure you��don't let the sun with you��Happy National Day�����ȵ��쿪�ĵ��㣬�ر������ע�����壬����ķ紿�����㣬��Ҫ��̫��ɹ���㣡������֣�

����42��The air in this ribbon��into concerns sent to your remote. Hopefully we intergovernmental concerns��is no longer a National Day holiday period.�������ַ���IJʴ����������У�ң�ĸ��㡣��Ը���Ǽ�Ĺ��У������ǹ���ѽ����ٵ�ʱ�̡�

����43��ף�����ڿ��֣������³ɣ���ҵ�������ϣ� I wish you a happy National Day.

����44��������飬�������أ������ļ�����Я�֡�����ڣ�ף����ֵ����ã�Time goes by, friends live together, and life goes hand in hand with you. Happy birthday to you on National Day!

����45���Ҹ��Ƿḻ��ɵģ�ֻ������ȥ��ᣬ�ͻ�о����Ҹ���ף������֣�Happiness is rich and varied. You can feel happiness only if you feel it through your heart. Happy National Day!

����46��Ը��Ĺ�����⾫�ʣ�ף��ȫ�Ҷ����ڹ����ջ��Ҹ���May your national day be wonderful. I wish your whole family a happy harvest on national day.

����47������ѽڣ���æµ�ĽŲ�ͣһͣ��Ը���ѿ��ֿ̽����顣 Let's stop your busy footsteps on the national day.

����48��ףԸ����ΰ��������Զ���ٲ�ʢ��ҲԸ���˽�������һ���� I wish our great motherland prosperity and good luck and good health.

����49��ף����ҵ�гɡ���ͥ�������������⡣I wish you a successful career, a happy family and all the best.

����50��Ը������һ��ʱ��չ¶Ц�գ�Ը������һ����Զ�����ϣ�Զ�������ѣ�������֣�May you always show your smiles like clouds, may you never grow old like stars, friends from afar, happy National Day!

����51��ףԸ���ְ��㱧�����ǰ����գ��Ҹ������ơ� I wish you happiness and happiness.

����52��Ը������ϵ�Ц�ݰ����㣬�����ף���㣬����ڿ�����֣���ҵ�Ի��ڴMay my most sincere smile accompany you, and I deeply wish you a happy National Day and a brilliant career!

����53��Great blessing more powerful and prosperous motherland, the people of the motherland blessings every day upward.Bless you, I become more expansive pocket, bless our health beautiful wife. ף��ΰ����������ǿʢ��ף������������������ϡ�ף�����ҿڴ��ռ����ͣ�ף�����ǵİ��˽���Ư����

����54��National Day, the National Day, celebrating the country. The birthday wish you good mood every day happy, eternal happiness! ���죬���죬�ٹ����졣�������ף���������飬���쿪�ģ��������㣡

����55��National Day when you do not want to give too much, just to give you 50 million:10 million to be happy, healthy 10 million, 10 million should be safe, happy to 10 million, 10 million MO forget me!�����֮�ʣ��������̫�ֻ࣬������ǧ��ǧ��Ҫ���֣�ǧ��Ҫ������ǧ��Ҫƽ����ǧ��Ҫ֪�㣬ǧ��Ī�����ң�

����56��States have a home, you can have a home, you have me, I wish my dear parents happy National Day! Health! �й����мң��мҲ����㣬��������ң�ף���װ��İ��������֣����彡����

����57��Went to the National Day holiday in the country to celebrate this day, I hope you happy as Xi, always happy. Happy National Day! �ֵ�������ˣ�����ٹ�����������ϣ���������Ϧ����Զ�Ҹ�������ڿ��֣�

����58��Just off the beautiful Chang E, ushered in the birthday of the motherland. I take this opportunity goes to you my heartfelt blessing: I wish you all the best and every success! ! �ո��������������϶���ӭ��������Ļ�������˻����ҳ��϶������ĵ�ף����ף��һ��˳�����������⣡

����59��Girls like flowers, and more broad-minded inclusion, in order to open up new possibilities and awaken the sleepy mountain, the river changed its appearance. This is a beautiful motherland is where my growth. ������񻨶�һ����С������ض���㣬Ϊ�˿�������أ������˳�˯�ĸ�ɽ�����Ǻ����ı���ģ����������������������������ĵط���

����60��Lost, very missed. In this long National Day holiday, often recalled coexistence years. 9��Time to find some locations, bring blessings to a very experience! �þò�����ʮ��������������Ĺ��쳤����������𹲴������¡��ҵ�ʱ�䣬Լ���ص㣬����ף���������dz����飡 10��Autumn years, the harvest season, I wish the most sincere smile with you, deeplywishes you happy National Day, cause brilliant TOUCH DOWN! ! ��������£����յļ��ڣ�Ը������ϵ�Ц�ݰ����㣬�����ף���㣬����ڿ�����֣���ҵ�Ի��ڴ

����61��The breeze touches the face and the National Day arrives. Happiness immediately pours into your heart. Good luck immediately surrounds you. Health immediately blesses you. Blessings immediately blurt out: I wish you a happy National Day and a happy day�������������������������Ͷ���ͱ������������������ģ���������ʱ�̻��ƣ���������ʱʱ���ӣ�ף�������ѿڶ�����ף������ַ��죬����Ц���գ�

����62��Maybe you used to say that you were lonely��maybe you have been wandering��but now you have me��forget the past��I will accompany you in the future��I will be with you on National Day������������˵��¶����������������壬�������������ң�������ȥ����������������㣬������Һ�����һ��

����63��Time goes by��friends live together��and life goes hand in hand with you. Happy birthday to you on National Day��������飬�������أ������ļ�����Я�֡�����ڣ�ף����ֵ����ã�

����64��Autumn is the season of harvest��fall is tempting moment. Harvest to you forever if autumn fruits��autumn National Day laughter to you forever if blooming flowers.�������ջ�ļ��ڣ����������˵�ʱ�̡�Ը���ջ���Զ������˶�����������Ը�㻶Ц��Զ��ʢ�����ʻ���

����65��The motherland is beautiful��and the land of Shenzhou is full of flowers. It's hard to be in a good mood on national day. Pack some bags to travel. Take care of many things along the way��and enjoy more when you are happy.�����ɽ�����㣬���ݴ�ػ��ƽ��������ѵú����飬�������ȥ���С�һ·˳������أ��ջ���ָ����ˡ�

����66��31National Day blessings run fast��fresh baked in advance. ������ף���ܵÿ죬���ʳ�¯��ǰ����

����67��No country��which has a home��No home��which have you me. National Day approaching��let us wish of the family round the round��under one roof��û�й������мң�û�мң��������ҡ��������٣������ǹ�ףԸ��Բ��Բ���Һ������ˣ�

����68��Career is a mountain��love is a water��depending on the mountains and rivers��the heart is also happy��the mood is also happy��The future is the road��the friend is the tree��has the tree to accompany��the wind is not afraid��the rain is not afraid. The National Day holiday is coming. Have a good dinner��have a good time and everything will be fine.��ҵ��ɽ��������ˮ����ɽ��ˮ����Ҳ��Ȼ����Ҳ��Ȼ��ǰ����·������������������飬��Ҳ���£���Ҳ���¡����쳤�پ�������ף�Ժã���ã�һ�кã�

����69��When the national day arrives��I wish you happiness and happiness.���쵽�ˣ�Ը�㿪�����ǣ��Ҹ����裡

����70��On National Day��Grey Wolf wants to enjoy the festival��boiling enthusiasm��warm friendship��beautiful mood��lazy time��why can't eat sheep. And I think very simply to wish you a happy National Day������ڣ���̫����ϲ����Ľ��գ�����������飬ů��������꣬����������飬�������ʱ�⣬Ϊʲô�Բ����򡣶�����ĺܼ�Ը�����ڿ��֣�

����71��Blessing all the way to rush��just for every minute. I miss you so much that I can bring greetings to you. National Day relaxes oneself��life seldom carefree. Relax worries and pressures��and rise happily step by step. Wish you a good mood��ף��һ·���ܣ�ֻΪ���ֶ��롣˼������δ�ˣ�Ϊ���ʺ��������������Լ��������ѵ���ң�����䷳��ѹ�������ֲ����Ǹߡ��������¿ɼ���Ԥף�������ã�

����72��I wish you all the best and wealth.Ը������˳�⣬�Ƹ�������

����73��Bless you: National��Jiaqing��people throughout the official sources��financial resources��both ways��popularity��humble��the geopolitical fate��reluctant��wish to cardiac wish.ף���������졢���졢����ͬ�죬��Դ����Դ�����ҷ�Դ����Ե����Ե��ԵԵ���ϣ���Ը����Ը��ԸԸ���ġ�

����74��I put all the blessings of plug in this message��in celebrate this day��to your side��I wish you a happy life��together with our motherland is thriving���Ұ����е�ף�������������������������ͬ���������͵�������ߣ�Ը�������Ҹ��������ǵ����һ���������ϣ�

����75��No matter how far away��no matter how many years��let my blessing to the stars��dodges in your life every day��Happy National Day���������Զ�����ܶ����꣬Ը�ҵ�ף����Ϊ���ǵ�㣬������������ÿһ�죡������֣�

����76��Every day and night of acacia��miss��far-away place of you��the National Day��although you lonely��but so beautiful��Because of I sincerely wishes��ҹҹ����˼�������˼�Զ�����㣬����ڣ�����Ȼ��į����ȴ�����������Ϊ�������ĵ�ף����

����77��China rises up��the country is prosperous��the mountains and rivers are magnificent��and the years are magnificent. On this national day��I wish our great motherland prosperity forever��and good luck and health accompany you for life�����ݷ��𣬹��ҷ��٣�ɽ��׳����������ɣ�ֵ�˹���ѽڣ�ףԸ����ΰ��������Զ���ٲ�ʢ��ҲԸ���˽�������һ����

����78��September has passed the beginning of October��the National Day holiday grief. Friends��colleagues and things��not sweet reunion��leaving me alone��blank in front of the computer��Send a text message freely��wishing you a distant family member��11 happy�������ѹ�ʮ�³��������ٿ��dz����ͬ�¸��������������۱��žۣ�ֻʣ�¶���һ�ˣ����ŵ��Կշ�����˳�ַ�������Ϣ��ԤףԶ�������㣬ʮһ���֣�

����79��National Day��do not want to give you too much��just give you 50 million: ten million to be happy��ten million to be healthy��ten million to be safe��ten million to be satisfied��never forget me�������֮�ʣ��������̫�ֻ࣬������ǧ��ǧ��Ҫ���֣�ǧ��Ҫ������ǧ��Ҫƽ����ǧ��Ҫ֪�㣬ǧ��Ī�����ң�

����80��Friends��happy National Day and all the best�����ѣ�������֣��������⣡

����81��I wish our great motherland prosperity and good luck and good health.ףԸ����ΰ��������Զ���ٲ�ʢ��ҲԸ���ˡ���������һ����

����82��Holiday to make life wonderful��let the mood wonderful life��mood that make life so wonderful��my best wishes to all my friends have a wonderful every day.����������ʣ����������龫�ʣ��������������ʣ��ҵ�ף��Ը���е��������춼���þ��ʡ�

����83��Osmanthus fragrance the festival��warehouse full��in golden October holiday seven tianle��11 National Day wish your family happiness��friend is healthy����Ʈ��ѽڵ�������ʮ�²ֶ��������������ַ��죬ʮһ����Ը������Ҹ������ѿ�����

����84��National Day the blessings of the "ten" in: "ten" refers to be buckled love in the heart��friends relatives "ten"��future skyshatter open "ten"��as the sea never face buried "ten". Happy National Day�������ף���ʮ���ڣ���ʮ��ָ��������������������ˡ�ʮ���������ǰ���ƺ���ʮ�����쿪����Զû�С�ʮ������񡣹�����֣�

����85��I wish you a lot of happiness. I wish you a lot of money in the golden week.Ը��ϲ�²��ϣ���ƽ���ҪһЩ������Ը��Ƹ�����������ڿ��֣�

����86��It's national day again. On this day of national celebration��I hope you are as happy as the night and happy forever. Happy National Day���ֵ�������ˣ�����ٹ�����������ϣ���������Ϧ����Զ�Ҹ�������ڿ��֣�

����87��in this season of heavy fragrance��pleasant day across the country��there is a feeling worried about is��there is a miss is thinking. Sincerely wish you a happy National Day.��������ҷ��ļ��ڣ��ٹ����ڵ����ӣ���һ�������ǣ�ң���һ��˼ά���������ף�㣬������֡�

����88��I wish i was blessed streams��flows quietly in the hearts of friends��must not continuous��i wish my concern is the maple leaf��gently spinning autumn of life��though friends greetings��happy national day����Ը�ҵ�ף����СϪ�����ĵ����������ѵ����ϣ����಻������Ը�ҵĹػ��Ƿ�Ҷ�������ҡ�����յ���Ϣ�����������ǵ��ʺ򣬹�����֣�

����89��In the whole country celebrate the day��I wish you my family and the country's growing prosperity go hand in hand��bless you my friend.����ٹ���������ӣ�Ը���ҵļ�ͥ����ҵ����深����飬ף�����ҵ����ѡ�

����90��National Day is celebrated throughout the country. I wish you and your loved ones respect each other��realize your ideal��keep forging ahead��be safe��healthy and sunny��live a happy life and prosper��and have a bright avenue of happiness���������ٹ�ͬ�죬ף���밮�������ྴ��ʵ������ܽ���ͣ��ƽ�������������飬����������ҵ���ˣ��Ҹ����һƬ������

����91��The sound of firecrackers is far from enough for me to bless you. All the happiness my friends give you is just a sesame I give you. The happiness I want to give you is beyond the box of Pandora. National Day is a new look���쵱�ı�����ԶԶ�����Ҷ����ף�������Ѹ�������п���ֻ���������͸����һ��֥�飬��Ҫ������Ҹ����˶����ĺ���װ���µġ�����Ը�����գ�

����92��I sincerely wish you a happy National Day and a happy family������ף��������֣��ϼ��Ҹ���

����93��The National Day��I am very pleased to invite you to dinner��dishes are as follows: money a bowl of rice��with deep pockets. Rice pudding a can��splendidness is dye-in-the-wood. A bucket of instant noodles��everywhere is convenient. Hearing this��the Pepsi cola package you������ڣ��ҷdz����ҵ�������μӹ��磬��Ʒ���£���Ǯ��һ�룬�ƴ����֡��˱���һ�ޣ�����ʮ�㡣������һͰ���������㡣���¿���һ����������֣�

����94��Using your fingertips��send best wishes��light up your smile to make a best gift��let your mood��decorate the joy of the festival��I wish you a whole country celebrating this day happy happiness.�趯��ָ�⣬�ͳ�������ף����������Ц�ݣ�����һ����õ�����ŷ������飬װ�ν��յĻ��֣�Ը��ٹ���������ӿ����Ҹ���

����95��Bless you: National Day��family day��universal celebration��official resources��financial resources��right and left��popularity��luck��fate��willing��wish��wish.ף���������졢���졢����ͬ�죬��Դ����Դ�����ҷ�Դ����Ե����Ե��ԵԵ���ϣ���Ը����Ը��ԸԸ���ġ�

����96��In the golden autumn��in the harvest season��I wish my sincere smile to accompany you with your most beautiful national day. I wish you a happy and prosperous national day����������£����յļ���Ը������ֿ��Ц�ݰ����������Ĺ���ڣ������ף���㣬����ڿ��������ҵ�Ի��ڴ

����97��I love our motherland��I love our common home. Bless our dear and great mother��step by step toward prosperity��towards glory.�Ұ����ǵ�������Ұ����ǹ�ͬ�ļ�԰��ף�������װ���ΰ���ĸ�ף�һ��һ�������٣�����Ի͡�

����98��This year's National Day��you were elected as Happy Ambassador. During the holidays��please pay attention to the public image: only smile��no frown��only happy��no depression��only relaxed��no depression��only invitation��no debt��������죬�㱻ѡΪ���Ĵ�ʹ���ż��ڼ���ע�⹫������ֻ��΢Ц��������ü��ֻ�����ģ��������ƣ�ֻ�����ɣ�����ѹ�֣�ֻ����ͣ��������ˣ�

����99��Autumn years��the harvest season��I wish the most sincere smile with you��let I deeply wishes with you��happy National Day��cause brilliant touch down����������£����յļ��ڣ�Ը������ϵ�Ц�ݰ����㣬Ը�������ף������㣬����ڿ�����֣���ҵ�Ի��ڴ

����100��Family is a peaceful harbor��with warm spring breeze and calm waves. May your new family be happy and happy��and may you two always march together on the voyage of life��Eleven happy����ͥ�������ĸ��壬������㣬����������Ը���½��ļ�ͥ�Ҹ�������Ը�����������ĺ�������Զ����ǰ����ʮһ���֣�

����101������յķ��ǣ���������;���峿��С��������Ѥ����������ҵ�ף�������㣬Ը�Ҹ��Ϳ�����Զ����㣬Ը��ú����ܹ��쳤��!As the sky stars, beautiful and splendid; As the early morning florets, fresh colors. 42��Happiness is the most important thing during the festival. Blessing is something that cannot be imposed. Others don't bless you. They don't know how to cherish you. When this happens��everyone doesn't want it. Are you happy or not? I'll send it to you in advance: Happy National Day�����ڣ���Ҫ�����ǿ��ġ�ף���������Dz���ǿ��ġ�����ûף���������Dz�������ϧ�����������£���Ҷ�����ġ��ֲ��֣�����ǰ�������㣺������֣� 43��On the 11th National Day��we offer our best wishes: let's beat drums and gongs��wish our motherland like the rising sun��never set��let's dance and sing��wish friends and family reunion��happiness for thousands of years��ʮһ���쵽������������ף��������������ġ������࣬ףԸ����������̫���������䣻�����������衢����裬ףԸ���Ѽ�����Բ���Ҹ����곤��

����102��Every day celebrates the National Day��leisurely and comfortable for a long vacation��work pressure is abandoned��worries and distresses are thrown away��put on a happy smile��walk around the mountains and rivers to leave a beautiful shadow��a blessing with the wind��wish you happy National Day. Happy National Day������ͬ��ӭ���죬�����������٣�����ѹ��ȫ�׿�������ն����������Ͽ��ֵ�Ц�գ�����ɽˮ��ٻӰ��һ��ף�������Ը���������ң��������֣�

����103��I wish you a happy National Day��happiness and health��ף����ڿ��֣��Ҹ�������

����104��National Day gives you a happy continent��planted everywhere with lucky trees��sweet dates are ripening��the fields harvest auspicious grain��colorful birds dancing��with happy notes in their mouths��voices wish you health and happiness.�������ٹ�ͬ�죬ף���밮�������ྴ��ʵ������ܽ���ͣ��ƽ�������������飬����������ҵ���ˣ��Ҹ����һƬ������

����105��There is a concern the uninvited��there is a tacit understanding irreplaceable��there is a yearning for your presence��there is a lonely called for��there is a silence is not forgotten��there is a concern to your friend forever��i wish a happy national day����һ�ֹ��IJ�����������һ��Ĭ���޿�ȡ������һ��˼��������ڣ���һ�ֹµ������ȴ�����һ�ֳ�Ĭ������������һ��������Զ����ػ���ף������֣�

����106��Wish you a happy National Day��Ը�㣬�ŷ����룬������֣�

����107��Beautiful morning��bright you��the good life is waiting for you��Beautiful weather��beautiful��nice affective nourish you��Happy mood with you��Happy National Day���������糿�����õ��㣬���õ������ڵ��㣡���������������õ��㣬�������������㣡������������㣡������֣�

����108��I wish you a happy National Day��Round and full��ף�������֣�ԲԲ������

����109��National Day��I wish you happiness and happiness��happiness and beauty������ѽڣ�ף���Ҹ��ֿ��ģ����������ã�

����110��In the coming days of national day��send blessings in advance. Happy National Day����ʮһ�����������������ǰ����ף����������֣�

����111��May you always be happy and healthy��every day is a new blessing��wish you a happy National Day��Ը����Զ�Ҹ�������ÿ�춼���µ�ף����ף������ϲ������

����112��Autumn is high and cool��the sky is high and cloudy��the scent mountain overlooks��see the red leaves everywhere��smell the fragrance reflects the blue sky��the motherland mountains and rivers infinite scenery�������ˬ������Ƶ�����ɽ�������Ҷ��Ұ���ż�����ӳ���죬���ɽ�ӷ�����ޣ�

����113��National Day golden week��for you to ask Hou. Usually work more��take the opportunity to relax yo��Be careful when going out. Safety is very important. I'm finished talking nonsense��pig. How are you.����ƽ��ܣ����㷢�ʺƽʱ�����࣬�˻�����Ӵ������Ҫ���ģ���ȫ��ǧ�𡣷ϻ���˵�꣬����ú��档

����114���������ٹ����죬ף��������ů�Ĵ��ͥ��������Ҹ�����������������!National Day National Day, celebrating the country, I wish you in the warm family life happiness, peace, sweet!

����115��������ף������ǿ���ɼѽ�Ը�������֣�ףԸ�����쿪�Ŀ��֣������Ҹ�����!Joyfully celebrate prosperous country, crossing the festival let home beauty, wish you happy every day happy, everything is all the happiness!

����116�����üҺù��ҺüҼҶ��ù�Բ��Բ����Բ���˽�Բ������Һ����Һ����Ҷ��á�Countries good home countries: everybody good circle everyone circle circle person circle compatriots, how are you me you me you me. 4�����濴�㣬��̹��졣���濴�㣬���׳��졣���濴�㣬�������죬�������!Look behind you, like mild-manner singer with. The side you, like yu. Look at you, like the west door celebrate, happy National Day!

����117������ٹ���������ӣ�Ը���ҵļ�ͥ����ҵ����深����飬ף�����ҵ����ѡ�In the whole country celebrate the day, I wish you my family and the country's growing prosperity go hand in hand, bless you my friend.

����118�������ˬ������Ƶ�����ɽ�������Ҷ��Ұ���ż�����ӳ���죬���ɽ�ӷ������!The air crisp, clear sky, fragrant hill overlooking, see red leaves everywhere, smell aroma reflects the blue sky, the broken pieces back together with limitless scenery.

����119���������Զ�����ܶ����꣬Ը�ҵ�ף����Ϊ���ǵ�㣬������������ÿһ��!�������!No matter how far away, no matter how many years, let my blessing to the stars, dodges in your life every day! Happy National Day!

����120��û�й������м�;û�мң��������ҡ��������٣������ǹ�ףԸ��Բ��Բ���Һ�������!No country, which has a home; No home, which have you me. National Day approaching, let us wish of the family round the round, under one roof!

����121��������һ���ܺõĽ��գ��ϼ��žۣ�Ը��Ĺ�����⾫�ʣ�ף��ȫ�Ҷ����ڹ����ջ��Ҹ���National Day is a good holiday, family reunions, may your National Day, all can be in the National Day to harvest happiness to your family.

����122������������ۣ����������ۣ�����������ۣ���������ۣ����һ��Ϊ������ö���۰�!National Day Mid-Autumn festival together, family and friends gather together, the lover lover together, you and I together he, everyone together for a better tomorrow together!

����123�����ȵ��쿪�ĵ��㣬�ر������ע�����壬����ķ紿�����㣬��Ҫ��̫��ɹ����!�������!Happy you hot day, a special day, attention body, gently breeze pure you, don't let the sun with you! Happy National Day! 12���������ַ���IJʴ����������У�ң�ĸ��㡣��Ը���Ǽ�Ĺ��У������ǹ���ѽ����ٵ�ʱ�̡�The air in this ribbon, into concerns sent to your remote. Hopefully we intergovernmental concerns, is no longer a National Day holiday period.

����124������������ʣ����������龫�ʣ��������������ʣ��ҵ�ף��Ը���е��������춼���þ��ʡ�Holiday to make life wonderful, let the mood wonderful life, mood that make life so wonderful, my best wishes to all my friends have a wonderful every day.

����125��ף������ѽڿ��֣���Բ��Բ������Բ����˳��˳���¶�˳��ףȫ���Ҹ����������á��ϼһ���!Happy National Day holiday season, the month circle person circle everything together. People in almost every arranges everything. I wish the whole family happiness, and fertility and family happiness!

����126���������ջ�ļ��ڣ����������˵�ʱ�̡�Ը���ջ���Զ������˶����Ը�㻶Ц��Զ��ʢ�����ʻ���Autumn is the season of harvest, fall is tempting moment. Harvest to you forever if autumn fruits, laughter to you forever if blooming flowers.

����127��˼����һ���Ļ��㣬����ɽ�ȣ��������ң���ף�����ޱߵĹ�ע������۾���ֱ���ĵס��������! Missing is a season of flowers, over the valley, enveloped you me, the blessing is boundless attention, overflow eyes, until the bottom of my heart. Happy National Day!

����128��ҹҹ����˼�������˼�Զ�����㣬����ڣ�����Ȼ��į����ȴ�������!��Ϊ�������ĵ�ף��!Every day and night of acacia, miss, far-away place of you, the National Day, although you lonely, but so beautiful! Because of I sincerely wishes!

����129�����ɹ��죬��������!�����������������������ֿ��ף�������ɹ���ף�����´󼪣������³�! Also the National Day, Mid-Autumn festival together! In this beautiful day, let me with the most sincere blessings with you through. I wish: everything is all right, come!

����130��������������ëëϸ�꣬���Ź��У�ң�ĸ��㡣��Ը���Ǽ�Ĺ��У������ǹ���ѽ����ٵ�ʱ�̡�The sky fluttering drizzle, a concerned, sent to your remote. Hopefully we intergovernmental concerns, is no longer a National Day holiday period.

����131�����������������Իͣ�����������д��ʷ��ɣ��������౼���������������ϲϲ�����������Ups and downs cast the motherland glory, mishaps writing historical vicissitudes of life. Worked so hard to rush about half life, together with old friends and new.

����132��Ը���ͥ�������������ޣ�May your family be happy and happy!

����133��ף�������֣�ԲԲ��������I wish you a happy National Day! Round and full!

����134��Ը�㣺�������ã�������֣�Wish you a beautiful life and a happy National Day!

����135��ףԸ��������֣��������⣡I wish you a happy National Day and all the best!

����136��Ը�㣬�ŷ����룬������֣� Wish you a happy National Day!

����137��ף����ڿ��֣�Խ��Խ�ã�Happy National Day, better and better!

����138��ף���Ҹ�������������֣�I wish you happiness, health and happy National Day!

����139��ף������ڿ��֣������³ɣ�Wish: happy National Day and everything you want!

����140��ף�����´󼪣������³ɣ�Wish: everything goes well and everything comes true!

����141�������ѵ���ף�����ϣ�Ը���Ŀ��ֹ����٣�The National Day is coming. I wish you a happy holiday!

����142������֮����������Я��֮�֣������¹⣬����ϸ�����������On the national day, the wind is clear and the moon is bright. Take your hand and bathe in the moonlight. Talk softly and slowly.

����143������ѽڣ�ף���Ҹ��ֿ��ģ����������ã�National Day, I wish you happiness and happiness, happiness and beauty!

����144����ϵ�ף����ף������֣�Sincere wishes for a happy National Day!

����145����������٣������ǹ�ףԸ��Բ��Բ���Һ͹��ˣ�National Day is coming, let's wish Guoyuan, Jiayuan, Jiaxing and Guoxing!

����146��������ʱ�ֵdz�������ѽ�ϲ����The auspicious moment came again, and the National Day was happy.

����147������ף��������֣��ϼ��Ҹ���I sincerely wish you a happy National Day and a happy family!

����148��Ը�㼪�Ǹ��գ����˳��顣 I wish you good luck and good luck.

����149��ף�������֣�ף����ˣ�I wish you a happy National Day and good luck!

����150������ѽڣ����Ҹ��ֿ��ģ����������ã�National Day, you are happy and happy, happy and beautiful!

����151������ڿ��֣������ַ��죡Happy National Day, happy seven days!